Lee Ellis
After graduating from a fairly unfulfilling design degree in 2006, Lee began to paint. He painted everything, everyday but without a definitive style or idea of where he wanted to go with the painting. All he knew was that it was what he wanted to do from then on.
After 2 – 3 years experimenting with abstract, stencils and the like, Lee realised that he had been drawing people for years, and had a pile of 50 or so sketch books to work from. This was his “eureka” moment. He changed direction completely and began to paint in a more expressive manner.
The work you see today is the result of this. It is constantly developing and evolving with a point of painting in an interesting way. The subject focuses on showcasing the fragility of man, demonstrating mental illness, anguish, anxiety and addiction. Lee paints people as they really are, without any bravado, confidence or facade.
His inspiration comes in the form of Saul Bass, Francis Bacon, Adam Neate, Jaybo Monk, Conor Harrington, Jean Michel Basquiat, comics, good films, bad films and Tom Waits.

In the Press
More Information
Email us (art(at)itsall2much(dot)com) if you’d like to know more about Lee Ellis.