
3rd May - 2nd June 2013

“NEON is a group of like-minded artists, sharing a passion and a commitment, a belief in excellence, ambition and hard work. NEON is a quest for truth and for beauty. NEON is also a studio, a place to work, to play, to experiment and to take risks.”

With no less than eight artists and sculptors participating, this will be a very diverse show and we are looking forward to arranging all the pieces to best effect in the gallery.

As Neon themselves say: “no two shows are ever the same…”

Image (right) “Tea, Anyone?” by Lucy Rogers.


  • Neon poster
  • When the Lights Go Out and Love's In Reach Emma Caton
  • Nanna (the heart shines through the sorrow) Emma Caton
  • I Give You My Heart But You Still Want More Emma Caton
  • Hitting the Soft Parts of Cars Emma Caton
  • La Rosa Canina Emma Caton
  • Ornalamentations (after Blind Tobit) Marcus Lanyon
  • Ornalamentations (Dog Eggs) Marcus Lanyon
  • Chasing Shadows part 1 Marcus Lanyon
  • Chasing Shadows part 2 Marcus Lanyon
  • Chasing Shadows part 3 Marcus Lanyon
  • Equus Marcus Lanyon
  • A Certain Feeling Jack Addis
  • Through Here Jack Addis
  • Trojan Horse Jack Addis
  • Tea Anyone? Lucy Rogers
  • Untitled Rowdy
  • Newcastle Rowdy
  • Sundile Rowdy

In this Exhibition

  • Rowdy


  • Emma Caton

    Emma Caton

  • Jack Addis

    Jack Addis

  • Olivia Croce

    Olivia Croce

  • Lucy Rogers

    Lucy Rogers

  • Marcus Lanyon

    Marcus Lanyon

  • Harry Simmonds

    Harry Simmonds

In the Press